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Yearly Archives: 2011


Upon reflection, here is what 2011 taught me and what I know to be true: ♥   That a sense of order and peace really can reside on the inside regardless of what’s happening on the outside ♥   That adversity is a gift and that although we can’t always see it at the time, if we really look […]

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Christmas presents – it’s a spelling mistake

At this time of year, people can be overheard asking others what present they would like for Christmas.  I think there’s been a mistake, a simple spelling mistake.  I think the word is ‘presence’ not ‘presents’.  I think what we need to do is get ‘present’ and give the gift of time. I have never […]

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Grateful For The Gurney

I recently spent an unexpected day in hospital with my husband. He had been in bed for a few days with flu like symptoms and was under his Doctor’s care.  On this morning, his health had deteriorated even more and we ended up first in our Doctor’s office and then headed to hospital for almost […]

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Aging with Grace

This past week I realized that my mom is old. My mom is 82 so it may not come as a surprise to anyone else that she is old, but it did to me, it came as a quiet, creeping up on you kind of surprise. My mom has always been ‘with it’; you might […]

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The Girl Effect

Some messages just need to be heard, whether or not you are ready to listen! http://www.girleffect.org/share/the-big-picture/the-girl-effect-ticking-clock#.TpHnabtFaIU.facebook

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The Rhythm of an Ordinary Day

This morning, as I set out on my gratitude walk (I walk each morning before I sit down to a computer or laundry, or letter writing) I started thinking about my ordinary life and this ordinary day. A wise woman once told me that life for most is very ordinary and if you can find […]

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On Remembering and Writing

My father was a writer, although if asked, when I was young, I would not have called him that. Most of the time he was at work, where he went every day, to a television studio, where he wore a tie and was a technical director. That was his real job! When he wasn’t at […]

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Following Your Heart

That news is forever etched in my mind, no that one is stitched in – the moment when we found out we were going to have twins; our tiny family of three was quickly going to grow to five. In one of those quiet moments following the news (it was a long moment – we […]

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There Are No Strangers Here, Only Friends You Haven’t Met

This famous quote, which belongs to William Butler Yeats, the Irish poet, came to mind the other day while I was at the post office, standing in line. My local postal outlet is in a pharmacy, and I am often there, sending packages, photocopying, or buying stamps. As usual, there was a line of customers […]

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Top Ten Reasons

Top Ten Reasons to have a safe, dry (alcohol free) After-Grad This event is truly ‘inclusive’ – it brings together the entire grad class, every single grad is welcome, and no one is excluded. Truly for everyone, this event includes students with disabilities, accessibility challenges, those who drink, those who don’t, those who are part […]

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