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Top Ten Reasons

Top Ten Reasons to have a safe, dry (alcohol free) After-Grad

  1. This event is truly ‘inclusive’ – it brings together the entire grad class, every single grad is welcome, and no one is excluded.
  2. Truly for everyone, this event includes students with disabilities, accessibility challenges, those who drink, those who don’t, those who are part of the ‘cool’ or ‘in’ crowd, and all of those who are not.
  3. This is the final opportunity for the ‘entire’ grad class to be together in one place, to make lasting and lifelong memories together, after this, no matter how many get togethers there are, they will not include the entire class
  4. This is the most entertainment and fun you will find in one place on one night – a ‘wet’ grad cannot even compare to this type of event – the themed decorations, the food, the entertainment, the dancing, the prizes – no ‘wet’grad, even a really well organized one, will have this much fun or provide this much to do in one place.
  5. This is only ONE Night out of your entire life of nights
  6. These grad memories will be ‘memorable’ – they will not be foggy or forgotten – why risk losing this memory with such an important a group of friends on such an important night
  7. The question of whether or not to drink doesn’t enter the equation, it’s simply not an issue, there is no pressure to ‘party’ in a certain way
  8. The chance to start a new tradition be the first graduating class to produce an amazing all night, all inclusive After-grad
  9. This event sends a clear message, we value our grads, they are cared about, and we want them to be safe and to have an unforgettable night
  10. Other teens say this is the way to go –

“The After-Grad was an amazing time for all of us grads to get together, while being safe. A lot of memories were remembered that night while looking back on our 13 years together.”—Jesse, graduate.

“Graduation is a major moment for us and an event that most definitely stands out in our lives. It is something many of us would not only like to remember but enjoy as much as possible. When alcohol is thrown into the equation it opens up the possibility for over-consumption and the many negative effects that may come with it. Why not soak up every moment you can rather than impair  your experience. It is truly an experience I’ll never forget. They are memories I wouldn’t trade in for the world.” —Patrick, graduate.

“The best part about having an After-Grad was having all the graduates together in one place for the event. My memories would be foggy and distorted if I didn’t have the Safe Grad to enjoy. So many events were happening, that there was always something for everyone to enjoy. The After-Grad left me and my friends with tons of memories and great photos!”—Stephanie, graduate.

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