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Tag Archives: living

UNTIL then

Most of us know someone right now, who is suffering, who is not able to be their best self, who is dying. Many of us continue to pray, to send positive vibes, white light, good energy, and our best wishes to those on the other side of wellness.   Many of us accept that this is […]

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What Do You Do… For A Life?

I have never fully understood why we ask people what they do for a living. Why are we so interested in how people make their money? It’s as though knowing that, somehow tells us more; about who they really are how they live, what they stand for. Does it inform us as to whether or […]

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Sharing our HOMES and our HEARTS

As published in Senior Living Magazine, February 2013 When I first told others we were all moving in together, the most common refrain was “It might work for you, but there is no way I could live with my mom.” And while I understood others’ reluctance, it was a dream to raise our three small […]

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