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Tag Archives: heart

OPEN all hours

Do you have an open mind?  Are you open to the ideas being presented, to the opinions being offered, to something new?  Is your mind willing to stretch a little, to take in something very different and perhaps a little frightening, something other that what you’re used to thinking?  Can you dig a little deeper, […]

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OPEN Door Policy

In the 80’s in corporate Toronto, the company I worked for introduced a strategy that would allow the management team to engage more with our staff; we were encouraged to adopt ‘an open door’ policy.  It was believed that by opening the doors to our offices, we were indeed opening up the lines of communication, […]

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Upon reflection, here is what 2011 taught me and what I know to be true: ♥   That a sense of order and peace really can reside on the inside regardless of what’s happening on the outside ♥   That adversity is a gift and that although we can’t always see it at the time, if we really look […]

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Following Your Heart

That news is forever etched in my mind, no that one is stitched in – the moment when we found out we were going to have twins; our tiny family of three was quickly going to grow to five. In one of those quiet moments following the news (it was a long moment – we […]

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Home – as published in Boulevard Magazine

With our twin sons newly graduated, there has been a lot of talk of late about ‘leaving home’. And with a grown daughter already living in Europe, we know only too well, how different home feels with her gone. Everything changes with each one that leaves; they take their memories, their energy, their laughter, and […]

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