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Tag Archives: time

BACKward is the new FORWARD

Earlier this year, I spent a few months in southern Portugal, learning about a different way of life, and taking in some new experiences. While there, I met a few Canadians and Brits now calling Portugal home and I asked them how they might describe their new country. Among the praise for sand and surf, […]

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Working is NOT WORKING

I am approaching an age where many of the conversations surrounding me are about growing older, about retirement and about dying.   Most seem to be centred around working; how busy people are and how much more work is yet to be done, how they still have years to work, how much they look forward to […]

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First things FIRST

What if instead of trying to do it all, we did some, most, or only what we could manage, and do well?  What if we were more realistic, and less ambitious with our list, and made our goal, not just completion, but satisfaction.  A job well done, achieved and relieved, take a breath before moving […]

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OPEN Door Policy

In the 80’s in corporate Toronto, the company I worked for introduced a strategy that would allow the management team to engage more with our staff; we were encouraged to adopt ‘an open door’ policy.  It was believed that by opening the doors to our offices, we were indeed opening up the lines of communication, […]

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Let us face it; most of us are living an ordinary life.  We are born, we die, and in between, we live… a fairly ordinary life. We grow up; go to school, work, and rest.  We have relationships, pay bills, travel, share meals, make money, handle hardships, play, travel, endure tragedy, learn, and grow old. […]

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A Day Well Spent

My mother  Grace is in her 83rd year and it would be completely understandable and deserved, if at this age, she chose to spend her days relaxing, napping, or reading for hours.  And, while she does spend some time doing all three, much of her time is spent truly ‘living’; a rich life filled with family, friends, […]

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Grateful For The Gurney

I recently spent an unexpected day in hospital with my husband. He had been in bed for a few days with flu like symptoms and was under his Doctor’s care.  On this morning, his health had deteriorated even more and we ended up first in our Doctor’s office and then headed to hospital for almost […]

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