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Yearly Archives: 2014

Christmas…opening my present

This Christmas, we will celebrate as we always do; with food and friendship and family.  We will open our doors and our hearts and invite the spirit of the season to join us as we share our offerings and our table.  We’ll be grateful and reflect on our blessings; we are together, we are here, […]

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In a world that is most often ‘plugged in’ and ‘turned on’, it may be difficult to imagine a space that invites silence in, that sits quietly waiting for you, that welcomes no sound at all. It is in that space however, where we learn to listen best; to hear the voice, the message, and […]

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Bring on the BIRTHDAY!

What is it about growing older, having yet another birthday, reaching ‘a certain age’ that many in our society do not want to acknowledge, welcome, celebrate, honour or remember?  We don’t want people to ask us our age, or which birthday we are celebrating, or what number we are on.  We live in an age […]

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Don’t Ask Me How I Am Doing…

unless you really want to know, have the time to listen, care about what’s going on for me.  We have become a fast talking, fast walking people, who rarely look each other in the eye as we ask the question or find the moment to hear the answer. Asking someone how they are doing, how […]

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On The Way To IAK

I believe everything happens in the perfect moment, even when it’s not so perfect.  I work hard at being ‘present’ and living in the ‘now’; not much of what I do would be considered ‘random’. As a planner by nature and by trade, I make arrangements, create ‘to do’ lists, book calendar appointments, consult budgets, […]

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As Easy as One, Two, Three

What if our vision was not to try and raise them, but instead, to try and help them rise? Over the years, our children face challenging situations, amazing opportunities, radical changes in direction.  And while the answers may not be immediately apparent, there is a process of resolution that works; three questions; one of them, […]

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What Are You AFRAID Of?

  Fear is defined as “an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat”.  Doesn’t sound like something you would want to share, does it?  Yet, share it we do, almost daily; without even realizing it or consciously admitting it, we teach our children […]

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