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Yearly Archives: 2012

2013 – My Toughest Resolutions List Yet

For decades, I have spent the final few weeks in December, reflecting and setting my intention for the New Year; writing down goals, looking for areas of improvement, projects to complete, countries to visit, and aspiring to change. I have written lists, made action plans, and set deadlines. The good news is that I have met […]

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It’s beginning to FEEL a lot like Christmas…

As the decorations go up and the commercials begin to air, I ask myself, how will our family celebrate this magical time? The answer is as it has been for so many years –  we will spend our time together, and where we do give, we will give experiences rather than ‘gifts’; create shared memories […]

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JUDGEMENT DAY…. every day

♦his hair is too long ♦ that garden needs some work ♦ her makeup is on a bit thick ♦ those children need to be quieter ♦ her skirt is too short ♦ that baby should have been dressed more warmly ♦ that lawn needs mowing ♦they paid too much money for that car ♦ I […]

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GRATEFUL when it’s not so GREAT

It’s easy to be grateful; when there is money in the bank, the family is healthy, there is food on the table, the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, the shower water stays hot, and the kids are enjoying school. It can however be a much harder concept to lean into when things are […]

Posted in Living With Grace | 18 Comments

A Day Well Spent

My mother  Grace is in her 83rd year and it would be completely understandable and deserved, if at this age, she chose to spend her days relaxing, napping, or reading for hours.  And, while she does spend some time doing all three, much of her time is spent truly ‘living’; a rich life filled with family, friends, […]

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Finding True NORTH

What if instead of raising children, we raised them UP – to the light, to stand up and face forward What if instead of feeling honoured to have them, we felt honoured that they chose us What if we considered them a gift and a privilege and took our place in line, humbled by their […]

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Did you hear something…

Recently, while out walking with my husband, we encountered a friend heading in our direction.  He stopped to talk, first taking out his ear buds, and then moments later having finished our chat, resumed his walk, ear buds firmly reinstated. I couldn’t help thinking that while he was probably listening to some great tunes; he […]

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To Have and To Hold…

On a recent anniversary trip, my husband and I reflected on our 30 years of marriage and why we were still enjoying friendship and love.  Having been only 19 and 20 when we wed, our chances of reaching 50 and still being together and happy, were slim. At 13 ½ years old, I had looked at […]

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