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Daily Archives: July 31, 2011

The Rhythm of an Ordinary Day

This morning, as I set out on my gratitude walk (I walk each morning before I sit down to a computer or laundry, or letter writing) I started thinking about my ordinary life and this ordinary day. A wise woman once told me that life for most is very ordinary and if you can find […]

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On Remembering and Writing

My father was a writer, although if asked, when I was young, I would not have called him that. Most of the time he was at work, where he went every day, to a television studio, where he wore a tie and was a technical director. That was his real job! When he wasn’t at […]

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Following Your Heart

That news is forever etched in my mind, no that one is stitched in – the moment when we found out we were going to have twins; our tiny family of three was quickly going to grow to five. In one of those quiet moments following the news (it was a long moment – we […]

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There Are No Strangers Here, Only Friends You Haven’t Met

This famous quote, which belongs to William Butler Yeats, the Irish poet, came to mind the other day while I was at the post office, standing in line. My local postal outlet is in a pharmacy, and I am often there, sending packages, photocopying, or buying stamps. As usual, there was a line of customers […]

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