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Tag Archives: courage

The SACRED in Simple

Not everyone lives loud, not everyone lives large, not everyone lives long.   For some, it’s not about how bright the light shines on them, it’s about casting their own light on others.  It’s about simplicity, about living an authentic life, where all those you encounter are left with an indelible mark; the mark of […]

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What Are You AFRAID Of?

  Fear is defined as “an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat”.  Doesn’t sound like something you would want to share, does it?  Yet, share it we do, almost daily; without even realizing it or consciously admitting it, we teach our children […]

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Can’t decide? …. You just did

Often people will ask us, how we were able to come to a decision, how we came to a place to a move forward on that decision, how we found the courage and the strength to make it and then stick to it, and how in the end, we decided on that way and not […]

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