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Tag Archives: community

OPEN Door Policy

In the 80’s in corporate Toronto, the company I worked for introduced a strategy that would allow the management team to engage more with our staff; we were encouraged to adopt ‘an open door’ policy.  It was believed that by opening the doors to our offices, we were indeed opening up the lines of communication, […]

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Yours, Mine, OURS

Who decided that accumulation of the ‘most’ wins.  What if our success was measured by having the least amount of stuff, rather than the max.  What if we considered it a triumph to have the smallest home on the block instead of the largest.  What if owning was less cool than loaning. What if that […]

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Don’t Ask Me How I Am Doing…

unless you really want to know, have the time to listen, care about what’s going on for me.  We have become a fast talking, fast walking people, who rarely look each other in the eye as we ask the question or find the moment to hear the answer. Asking someone how they are doing, how […]

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There Are No Strangers Here, Only Friends You Haven’t Met

This famous quote, which belongs to William Butler Yeats, the Irish poet, came to mind the other day while I was at the post office, standing in line. My local postal outlet is in a pharmacy, and I am often there, sending packages, photocopying, or buying stamps. As usual, there was a line of customers […]

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